Wednesday, 8 April 2009

New Scooters by Segway

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Segway and GM
General Motors and Segway have created the contraption above, a two-wheeled urban scooter/segway that runs on batteries! It is called the Personal Urban Mobility and Accessability (PUMA) and is aimed to be released in 2012. Nevertheless, it only reaches 35 mph and is sort of a follow up from the failed BMW C1. To me, the PUMA kind of looks like a westernized fuel-efficient rickshaw, and I just hope they bring this to Asia's most polluted cities. This new innovation begs the question: is this the real solution to the problems surrounding urban transportation?

Friday, 3 April 2009

The Latest Fashion in Protesting

Ladies & Gentlemen,
Pink Stormtrooper Protester at the G20

Nothing says political outrage like a storm trooper in a pink suit, now thats style.

April Fool Camera by Kodak

Ladies & Gentlemen,
On April 1, Kodak made the biggest April Fool practical joke, by pretending they made an amazing breakthrough in camera technology. Its called the eyeCamera 4.1, and basically it lets you take a photo of exactly what you see, they even included an image stabilizer if you just had a couple of drinks! The steps to take a photo with the eyeCamera are just look, focus, zoom and snap. On they even said "In partnership with the Superman Corporation located in the Fortress of Solitude, we co-developed this amazing feature at a bargain price. But remember, even though you will be able to see through walls and closed doors you will not be able to walk through them."

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Cycling with style

Ladies & Gentlemen,

What I bring to this blog today is the solution to messing your fine threads while cycling. London based company, Rapha has created a new lifestyle brand around the urban cycling culture by combining tasteful clothing and accessories with optimum performance.
Created by Simon Mottram and Luke Scheybeler in 2004, Rapha launched its niche market, chic cycling clothing that doesn't look out of place in town. Unlike pro cyclers using bright coloured unitards , you won't stick out like a sore thumb at the local café.
However not only do they design casual clothing, they've even got into specifically tailored suits to bikes for the working cycler. In the urban riding community, Rapha has drawn a large following despite their pricey products.

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